Brexit : il y a 5 ans, les Britanniques votaient OUI

Brexit : il y a 5 ans, les Britanniques votaient OUI

Le 23 juin 2016, les Britanniques décidaient de quitter l’Union européenne. Depuis le 1er janvier dernier, le divorce est consommé. Les entreprises commencent à en sentir les effets…

Brexit supporters wave Union flags as the time nears 11 O’Clock, in Parliament Square, venue for the Leave Means Leave Brexit Celebration in central London on January 31, 2020, the moment that the UK formally leaves the European Union. – Brexit supporters gathered outside parliament on Friday to cheer Britain’s departure from the European Union following three years of epic political drama — but for others there were only tears. After 47 years in the European fold, the country leaves the EU at 11:00pm (2300 GMT) on Friday, with a handful of the most enthusiastic supporters gathering opposite the Houses of Parliament 12 hours before the final countdown. (Photo by DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS / AFP)

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